Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association

Fall Meeting & Picnic September 4, 2010

President Steve Eichman called the meeting to order at 11:15 AM at the Turtle Lake Town Park.

Joe Waldo's Treasurers' report was approved as written. (Detail below.) We dispensed with reading of the minutes and the secretary's report was approved as written by Pam Nelson.

Pam Nelson reported on completion of the current grant of $20,000 (HLIA: $5,000/DNR $15,000). Our lake management plan has been completed and should soon be approved by the DNR; this plan will make us eligible for control funds that vary in amount and matching ratios. These funds will require MANY volunteers in many roles, including a fall survey, monitoring the boat landing, testing water clarity, and (of course!) milfoil eradication. Check the website next month for ways you can get involved.

We plan to do chemical treatment in early spring as well as continued diving. Our latest water clarity test was only 2 feet,due to the chemical treatment and rainfall.

Larry Hart handed out 40 copies of material on lake management districts. (Links to information will be posted on this website in early October if you missed the meeting.) Read it over the winter for spring discussion. The townships decide actual formation of a district. HLIA has no position on this issue.

Brett Johnson presented the possibility of dredging the channel to Buckwalls Bay before freeze up this year. It is easier to get a permit since the channel was dredged before in 1988. The channel is important to the entire lake community, not only the 30 homes in the bay. He suggested asking the townships for donations, and perhaps writing letters asking for donations.

MOTION by Virginia Flo, seconded by Pam Nelson, that the association fund dredging the channel. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Mike Waldo, that due to the time line the association front the estimated $5,000 with an effort made to get money from townships, bay residents, and other lakeshore supporters. In 1988, the townships each donated $500 (when the estimated cost was lower.) Motion passed.

If you would like to donate to the dredging project, mail your check to Horseshoe Lake Improvement Association, PO Box 304, Turtle Lake WI 54889. Mark it as a donation toward the dredging.

We need to remember Mud Lake, an important fishing area. It is more difficult to get a permit for this channel as it has not been dredged before, but it is an issue we should address in the spring.

Steve discussed water diversion from the Apple River - always considered when Horseshoe Lake is low. The short answer is: No way! We could not get permission from the Apple River watershed district (where water is also low), and do not want the quality of water that would come through Staples. However, there have been times when water diversion has occurred naturally - you can hope for beavers!

Craig Nackerud asked for more Snuba divers; so far only Paul Hedlund and Bruce Johnson have joined "The Force" with Craig and Laura. WE NEED MORE DIVERS! The Association will reimburse certification costs for all divers who then dive for 10 total hours. There is a possibility of diving this fall if the water clears up.

Thanks for all who participated on Dive Day - especially the Waldos and Perelas!

A reminder from Phil Dorn: Don't pull weeds or move rocks on your newly exposed shoreline except for a 30 foot access area-and in that area you may only pull, not use any equipment. Although so far he has given warnings, he can ticket. He also told us our "Slow No Wake" buoys should say "Personal Watercraft/Slow no wake" in the narrows.

Think green!

The meeting adjourned at 11:50 AM and we picnicked.

Sam Lindquist

The box at the boat landing has grossed $55.18 for far this year. Every little bit helps.

Again - about 100 people enjoyed a GREAT picnic. Special thanks to chef extraordinaire John Stary for his beans, brats, and pickles, and to the corn-cookers and clean-up crew. Our volunteers are wonderful!


Treasurers Report, as of September 1, 2010

Main HLIA Checking Account: $789.70
Milfoil Checking Account: $2,304.41
Milfoil CD's: $10,155.30

Key expenses May 1 - August 31, 2010:
     Milfoil Treatments: $11,176.00
     Dive Days: $1,942.90
     Snuba Project: $406.96
     Member Mailings/Communications: $248.64
     Lake Improvements (buoys): $74.04
     Misc. Costs (PO Box, checks): $60.75

Income May 1 - August 31, 2010:      93 dues paid @ $10 = $930.00
     93 milfoil donations @ $40 = $3720.00
     Extra Milfoil donations = $125.00      CD Interest: $237.98

Pam Nelson, HLIA Milfoil Coordinator, has submitted our 2010 information for reimbursement under our current grant, with a potential reimbursement of $11,000+ (75% of direct expenses and value of volunteer hours).


Do you e-mail?

We realize not every one does. Minutes are being sent by US mail to many members. However, for those with access to the web, e-mailing our minutes to you will save time and money.

If you are willing to receive your association minutes and news via e-mail, please email HLIA or print, complete and mail this HLIA member update form.

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