Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection Rehabilitation District Commissioner Meeting

Meeting Date: February 9, 2019 at Beaver Town Hall

Call to order at 9:00 AM by Commissioner Steve Eichman with Steve, Tom, Traci, Joe, and Roxy in attendance.

Moved and seconded minutes are approved.

Financial Report
Current balances are: $5,213.63 in Lake District Checking plus $20,231.02 in CD ($357.06 on HLIA account) and $22.00 in cash. Since October meeting, have paid checks to LEAPS for lake plan and monitoring, to Green Frog Company for our Shoreland Restoration project Webinar and planning, to Jack Sullivan for 2018 Boat Landing Monitoring and coordination, our PCALR membership, $35.34 to Dairy State Bank for more checks and $10 to USPS for stamps. We received $2,226 from the DNR for the balance of our Clean Water/Clean Boats grant (had gotten an advance of $750 last January), $707.74 from the Town of Almena and $1478.74 from Town of Beaver from December 31 tax payments. Current bills due are LEAPS for 75% of the grant preparation costs for 2019-20 Lake and payment was approved. Report approved.

Clean Boats/Clean Waters Grant.
We have been approved for a 2019 Clean Water/Clean Boat grant. Jack Sullivan has agreed again to be the coordinator for this. We will need to help him get volunteers to help do inspections at the boat landing (which will also help us cover are share of the grant requirements).

Shoreline Restoration
We had several people attend our Shoreline Restoration Webinar by Amanda Kostner, that was held on October 27. From that, we had three people interested in grants and had site visits conducted by Amanda on November 10th. Only one owner was interested in proceeding with projects for 2019. A Healthy Lakes grant application was prepared and submitted for two run-off diversion pits, two infiltration trenches, and two rain gardens. If approved, the owner is responsible for having the work done and paid for, then Joe will submit the documentation for reimbursement. Hopefully we can use these projects as a example of what owners can do to help preserve the water quality of the lake, with or without grant cost-share from the state.

Surface Water Grant Application
Our two-year planning, education and treatment grant application was completed by LEAPS and submitted in late January. It was originally going to be just a planning grant for the work needed in 2019 and 2020 to update our five-year lake management plan (due to be updated in 2020), but based on the fall lake survey - it appears we will need to treat significantly more acres for Milfoil in 2019. The decision was made to expand this grant request to include treatment. If this gets approved, we will need to look at assigning volunteers to do some of the additional tasks required by the grant, plus volunteer hours will be important to minimize the amount of net cash we need to spend.

Boat Landing
At last meeting - it was agreed to pay for a load of gravel to clean up boat land approach at the Town Park. The township will take care of spreading it. We could not get it done for fall, but hope can get this done first thing in the spring.

New Business
The following dates were established for 2019:
- Turtle Lake High School Earth Day Clean Up at Beaver Town Park - time/day to be finalized.
- The next Lake District commissioner meeting set for 9:00 AM on Saturday May 4 at Beaver Town Hall.
- Annual spring cleanup at boat landing is planned for Saturday June 8th. More details to come.
- July 4th Boat Parade, 2:00 pm.
- July 27, 2019 is the date set for the 2019 Horseshoe Lake Picnic by the picnic committee of Bruce Johnson and Jim Lewis. It will be held at the County Line Bar and Grill again, starting at 5PM. More details to come.
- Annual Lake District meeting date set for 9:00 AM on Saturday August 17, 2019 at the Beaver Town Hall for all property owners.

The Tech Ed Department will be done with new Horseshoe Lake sign in time for spring.

We are still planning on updating the lake directory information sometime before spring.

Formal meeting adjourned at 9:52.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Joe Waldo - Lake District Secretary/Treasurer
Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District


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