Minutes of Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District Annual Meeting
Meeting Date: August 20, 2016
The first Annual Meeting of the Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District was held at the Turtle Lake Village Park on August 20, 2016. Interim Board President Craig Nackerud called to order by at 9:10 AM. Craig gave a background to new owners on the history of the lake association and reasons for forming a lake district. There were 69 people in attendance.
Lake District operates under the guidelines and requirements of Section 33 of the Wisconsin Statues. Clarification was given that the majority of votes at annual meetings are simple majority. Amendments to the bylaw at future annual meeting require 2/3 vote. Will do additional research to determine what other motions would require 2/3 vote as well. Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed Bylaws. After discussion, the motion passed by voice vote. The approved bylaws are as follows:
Bylaws of the Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
Preface: In keeping with the resolution of the Polk County Board of Supervisors that created the Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District, hereinafter referred to as the "District", the electors of the District do adopt these Bylaws. The purpose of these Bylaws is to define and regulate the activities of the District, its officers, and its committees. Bylaws shall at all times be interpreted in a manner consistent with the laws of the State of Wisconsin and Chapter 33 of the Wisconsin Statutes under which District was created and operates.
Article I - Nomination of Commissioners: No less than 10 days prior to each annual meeting any elector or property owner may nominate candidates to fill all vacancies on the Board. Nominations may be made in writing to the District Secretary or any member of the nominating committee if one has been established by the District.
Five candidates were nominated for the three open commissioner positions - Steve Eichman, Marie Hauser, Tom Ludy, Craig Nackerud and Joe Waldo. Each candidate was present and gave remarks as to their interest and reasons for wanting to be a commissioner. Voting was done by secret ballot. Joe Waldo was elected to a three year term (2017-2019), Steve Eichman elected to a two year term (2017-18) and Craig Nackerud to a one-year term (2017).
While votes were being counting, Pam Nelson gave an update on the current Water Quality Project and Grant the lake association has been conducting this summer. This project deals with water clarity and phosphorus levels in the lake and includes water samples at points where water enters the lake and in the deepest part of the lake. It will also include core samples taken by UW-Stout in the deep hole. The previous Milfoil Control grant was completed in 2015 and no future cost-sharing will be available for milfoil control in the future. She will keep her eyes open for future grant opportunities in other areas of need.
Another part of this project/grant is a shoreline survey (first 30 feet from the lake) conducted by two LEAP interns. Marie Hauser has been the lead on this part of the project and explained how they spent three days taking photos and observations of the shoreland for each lake property (first 35 feet inland from water's edge). Once complete, the data collected will be assessable as will a photo of the property. LEAPs will work to prioritize the properties for implementing shoreland improvement projects and have a list of projects that could be implemented for each property. Brochures will be available at the Lake Association picnic that explain the WDNR Healthy Lakes Grant program and projects that can be supported with it.
A motion was made and seconded to formally recognize Pam Nelson and Jack Sullivan for all their efforts the past years with our Milfoil control programs and grants as well as coordination the boat landing monitoring. Motion was passed. Also noted to thank Jim and Jeanne Perala for their work monitoring and removal of the purple leafstrife in the lake as well as Mike Foster for his work on the website and mailings.
The 2017 proposed budget was discussed. Based on current balances from the lake association, the proposed budget would not require any lake district taxes this year. In additional, a $12,500 emergency fund will be available from money raised by the Lake Association. Motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed budget. An amendment was made and seconded to add $5000 for possible cost sharing on shoreland improvement projects. Discussion followed on around the fact that with the WDNR Healthy Lakes Grant program, cost-share opportunities would be available for priority shoreland improvement projects (with land owner also sharing in the cost) to improve the water quality of the lake long term. Lake District board would review projects and decide whether to spend the money. The amendment passed. The amended motion to approve the revised budget was also passed. The approved Lake District budget for the 2017 calendar year is shown below:

The approval of the amended budget created a need for the Lake District to generate approximately $3600 to fund the budget. A motion was made and seconded to approve a tax assessment for 2017 equal to $7.50/$100,000 in property valuation. This is based on approximately $50 million dollars in total property values within the lake district. An extensive discussion ensued on the pros and cons of doing this type of tax assessment vs doing a flat dollar assessment for each parcel within the lake district. Both sides of the discussion focused on what was the most fair method. The motion was voted on and failed.
A new motion was made and seconded to approve a tax assessment for 2017 equal to $17.00 for each legal parcel in the lake district. Again an extensive discussion ensued. One concern brought up was that as the lake lot size requirements changed, as many as 25 "lots" on the lake were actually made up of 2-3 different parcels (and different tax statements), so would be assessed accordingly. A way to determine how to fairly determine how assessment could be collected from just "one property" would be needed. An amendment was made and seconded that if the $17/property assessment passed, a group of three lake members would need to meet to determine a fair way to identify which parcels should be assessed the $17 fee fairly. The amendment passed. After additional discussion, the amended motion was voted on and failed.
Another motion was made and second to approve a tax assessment for 2017 equal to $7.50/$100,000 in property valuation. After additional discussion, this motion was voted on and passed.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Joe Waldo - Interim Lake District Secretary/Treasurer
Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
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