Horseshoe Lake Public Inland Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District

9th Annual Meeting to be held at Beaver Town Hall

9:00 AM August 17, 2024


•       Update on ongoing projects and 2024 grants

•       Review of 2024 expenses

•       Boat landing update

•       Review boating rules and potential high-water restrictions

•       Sanitary District update

•       Review and approval of 2025 proposed budget

•       Election of one commissioner


Note: Dave Blumer from LEAPS will hold an Invasive Species education workshop at the end of the meeting for those interested. It will start with a presentation at the Town Hall, then will conclude with a trip on the lake to show how to look for invasive weeds. Hope everyone will stay to participate in this (part of our Lake Management Plan requirements).


Boat Landing Update

New pads will be installed by the township this fall. But the landing needs additional gravel and more regrading. The township is asking the Lake District to again contribute part of this cost ($1500-$2000?).

Boating Rules/Enforcement

We did not spend $4000 budgeted for lake patrol (no one was available), but the Sheriff’s Dept did patrol lake 3-4 times during 4th July week. Do we still want to try to hire off-duty law enforcement personnel for lake patrols in 2025? Do we want to create formal high-water restrictions for times, like this spring, when water levels are high to minimize shoreline damage? We no longer have permission to take out the beaver dam below Echo Lake, but as long as Echo stays below the level of our lake (which it did this spring), water continues to flow out and that will not be a contributing factor to our high-water levels.

Sanitary District

This seems unlikely to happen, based on what is happening within the Village of Turtle Lake. But it is worth having additional discussion at the meeting.

Election of Board Commissioner:

We need to elect one commissioner to a 3-year term (Joe Waldo’s term is expiring). Anyone owning property within the district is eligible for the board of commissioners. To nominate a candidate, contact Pam Nelson (nominating committee) at no later than 4PM August 15, 2024 to be added to the ballot.

Lake Directory

We keep a lake directory with this information and share it only with those who provide email information. A copy of the current directory is attached. Please send any changes to your email or other contact information to A form for new owners is on the website.

Invasive Species Update

We have three areas on the lake chemically treated for milfoil this spring. In mid-July, we also had three-days of DASH manual removal in multiple areas (mainly entrance to Mud Lake and east bays). This will be covered 75% by our grant. Our grant expires after 2024, but hopefully the combination of chemical and manual removal will minimize what we need to do in 2025.

2025 Proposed Expense Budget:

Below is the proposed Lake District budget for 2025.  The final 2025 budget will be established at the annual meeting.

•       We are budgeting for lake management/monitoring, but the 2025 cost will be offset by 2024 grant reimbursements we won’t receive until after the end of the year.

•       We are again budgeting $6000 for Invasive Species control (10-year average) but are hoping we won’t need to use it all.

•       We are including $1500 for additional boat landing gravel and regrading (if it is approved at meeting), but this may be a fall 2024 expense.

•       Currently are not budgeting dollars for Lake Patrol or Sanitary District exploration (again – subject to annual meeting discussions.

•       Proposing the same Tax Revenue as in the past several years. Any unexpected expenses can be covered by our current cash balances, plus we still have a $12,000 Invasive Species Emergency Fund that was transferred over from the Lake Association when we created the Lake District.


*  Grants may be available to help offset costs

** Per Chapter 33.30(4)(a), tax revenue needed to cover expenses is apportioned among property within the district on the basis of equalized value. With appr. $60M total valuation in the lake district, our annual tax revenue equals $15.50 per $100,000 in property valuation.